The air-cooled UA5R UV-LED module shares similar geometric dimensions with the UA1R (with a 13 mm increase in height and a 7 mm increase in depth at the same module width); however, it is significantly more powerful and suitable for UV applications with medium to high irradiance levels. The UA5R module also features the innovative rod lens for precise focusing of emitted radiation. This is crucial for efficiently irradiating curved surfaces, whether for processing rotating shapes such as tubes and sleeves, or for precise digital printing applications. Our technology minimizes stray radiation and safeguards delicate digital print heads from both direct and indirect exposure. By seamlessly aligning multiple modules, an irradiation length that is a multiple of 110 mm can be achieved. Additionally, we offer custom-configured control cards as an option to facilitate signal exchange during integration into printing machines. This allows for grouping multiple UV-LED modules as needed and controlling them as logical units.
Technologie LED pour les systèmes UV
Les systèmes LED d’uviterno offrent un avantage particulièrement net lorsque le processus de polymérisation est discontinu ou cadencé. Nos systèmes peuvent être allumés et éteints en quelques millisecondes et ne