CSR and Sustainable Development Director, Green Mission Pierre Fabre
Séverine started her career in 1996, the year the ISO 14001 standard on environmental management was published, at the French Laboratory of Fractionning and Biotechnologies (LFB) as Environmental Manager.
She joined the Pierre Fabre Group in 2000, where she held the position of Environmental Director for 10 years. In 2010, the year the ISO 26000 standard on sustainable development was published, she became the Group’s CSR and Sustainable Development Director.
After having brought the Group to the highest level of different CSR assessment models based on ISO 26000 such as AFAQ 26000, Ecocert 26000 and Engagé RSE, she actively participates in the creation of an eco-socio-design tool for cosmetic and family health products, the GREEN IMPACT INDEX.