Extreme places consulting at the heart of its strategy with Vista

The Extreme Group announces the launch of its new consulting division, Vista, a set of tools and points of view, structured around three professions: strategy, innovation and foresight.

Created to meet needs that are evolving ever faster, made more complex by the arrival of AI and CSR constraints, extreme is positioning itself with Vista as a key player to bring new keys to entry and a new vision to our markets.
“Consulting is a beacon in the storm! In 2024, more than ever, brands and companies must face uncertainty and unpredictability. For extreme, it is a necessity to feed, enlighten and guide our customers. Not to choose the path for them, but to give them decision-making assistance. Vista is born!” — Jean Valentin, CEO of the extreme Group.
Vista’s approach is both “brand-centric” thanks to increased knowledge of brands and “user-centric” through human sciences, ethnology and semiology. It brings together all the Group’s professions since it considers the individual in all their dimensions, whether they are a customer, consumer, patient, public, A2B2B2C, user, purchaser, or citizen.
“The point of view of the “user” is one that we all share at extreme. We must understand it accurately and with anticipation, which is why we all have something of Vista in us!” Sophie Grenier de Warrens, Sociologist, CEO of Vista, extreme.
As part of its expertise in foresight, Vista presents Shifts, an observatory of sociocultural trends, created ex-nihilo by Sophie Grenier de Warrens.
It analyzes weak signals and major societal dynamics to anticipate the aspirations of individuals in 3-5 years. Its purpose is to identify the codes and precursor signs of market developments and reflects the long-term consequences of major societal events. It is regularly updated and entirely recreated every 18 months.

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