Alsafe® UV curable varnish incorporates molecules that destroy contaminants over time. This is a major argument for major clients who – anxious to offer hygiene and health safety to their customers – see their products handled at all times of the day (mascara, compact, perfume, etc.).
The high technicality of UV curing varnishes for finishing cosmetic containers developed by Altus Coating since 2007, based on a detailed knowledge of polymers, was legitimate for anticipating this R&D approach in bio-chemistry in 2020. Today, it allows it to offer a technical anti-microbial solution capable of neutralizing bacteria and viruses as soon as contaminants land on the varnish, without affecting the aesthetic, specific and ethical properties of the varnished products.
In the current state of research(1), the fact that the active ingredient Alsafe® is directly integrated into the various varnish formulas developed by Altus Coating promotes the longevity of the action. Only excessive wear(2) would affect its activity over time, well beyond that estimated, displayed on the packaging.
1 The tests were carried out on the bacteria E.Colis and S.Aureus and for the moment with the Coronavirus E229 which has great similarities with the SARS-CoV-2 virus responsible for Covid-19, those with the virus causing Covid -19 are prohibited for commercial laboratories.
2 Specifications specific to each evolving object according to its geometric shape, its use, etc. with an application of more or less thick varnish, induces more or less rapid surface wear.
This major innovation in the varnish industry for objects used in cosmetics and perfumery can also be considered later on any object requiring bacterial and viral neutralization! Our everyday objects will always have to protect us more.