Rosalia rose water’s premium packaging design

Le design de l'emballage de l'eau de rose Rosalia

Rosalia Rose Water is a refined botanical drink, carefully prepared with the highest quality rose extracts. The packaging has been designed to embody the purity and elegance that characterise this product. The design features an ethereal representation of an angel descending from the heavens, symbolising the purity and delicacy of rosewater. Framed by a luxurious […]

Coster Group launches updated ON-OFF System

Le groupe Coster a réintroduit son système ON-OFF, conçu pour révolutionner l'application des parfums.

Coster Group has re-introduced its ON-OFF system, designed to revolutionise the way fragrances are applied. It merges the pump, collar, and cap into a single, integrated unit, offering an alternative for those seeking convenience and portability in perfume packaging. By removing the overcap, its system simplifies the manufacturing process and reduces its overall environmental footprint. Riccardo Mantelli, […]